Thursday, June 17, 2010


"I'm so confused with all these passwords and things. I don't even remember how to use the phone."

"What passwords, sir?"

"The passwords for the names."

"I'm not sure to what you are referring."

"When I dial with a capitalized number, it goes through. But if I forget to capitalize, it won't let me talk."

Though I am not positive, I think it was at this point in the call that the two of us were both most thoroughly confused. I was confused because I didn't know you could capitalize numbers. He was confused because he didn't know what he was talking about - neither of us really did.

"Sir, are you referring to the names and numbers in your phonebook?"

"Yes, the ones in the computer."

"On the computer? On your online account?"

"Yes. When I try and call, it doesn't work."

"Are you trying to call from the computer or from the phone?

"From the phone. Can I call from the computer?"

"Not as far as I know. So, when you are trying to make a call, can you walk me through what you are doing?"

I will spare you the blow by blow account of everything we went through trying to understand one another. Suffice it to say that, when he was trying to make a call, he was trying to do it by typing someone's name instead of their number. Once we got that straightened out . . .

"But what about when I am calling from my landline phone, how am I supposed to capitalize those numbers?"

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